METAL SERVICES – A state-of-the-art tribometer at the service of wear tests
In machines with moving parts, friction leads to the loss of a considerable proportion of energy, estimated at 10% of the total. This can result in deformation processes that lead to surface wear and, ultimately, economic consequences.
For the understanding of the phenomenon, the diagnosis of the state of the surfaces, in relation to the mechanisms that caused the damage, as well as the correlation with the geometries, the properties of the materials involved, the state of the surfaces and all other tribometric characteristics of the system, are fundamental. The ultimate goal is to improve the tribological system by reducing energy loss and increasing component life, improving the design by using experimental tests to optimise sensitive factors such as the type of coupled materials, optimisation of their mechanical performance, the state of surface finish and the use of appropriate lubricants. Metal Services has the equipment and technical knowledge to conduct this optimisation process. As part of the testing services available to customers, Metal Services has a latest-generation tribometer capable of performing wear tests in accordance with standard ASTM G99 and DIN 50324 (PIN ON DISK SLIDING TEST), ASTM G133 (LINEARLY RECIPROCATING BALL-ON-FLAT SLIDING TEST). The instrumentation, which includes a profilometer integrated with the test machine and its control electronics, allows tests to be conducted at constant or variable load and speed within the set test cycle, in close correlation with the customer’s specific requirements. Continuously measured results include the measurement of volume and weight loss, the shape and size of the wear channel, the trend of variation of the friction coefficient and friction force. The parallel SEM examination of the surface of the wear channel allows classification of the type of wear caused and the morphology of surface damage.
Grazie alle apparecchiature a disposizione – a cui si aggiungono forni da trattamento termico con prestazioni da R&D ed un impianto criogenico per trattamenti a bassissima temperatura (-195°C), con rampe controllate in discesa e risalita – il Laboratorio Metal Services è in grado di ottimizzare il pacchetto di trattamenti termici e criogenici in base alle esigenze del cliente, in relazione alle prestazioni di resistenza all’usura ed a quelle meccaniche richieste dall’applicazione.
Relativamente ai processi criogenici, si evidenziano i vantaggi conseguibili in termini di miglioramento della resistenza all’usura, di completa eliminazione delle tensioni residue, di ottimizzazione della morfologia atomico/molecolare e, se necessario, della conducibilità elettrica.
I campi di applicazione ed i materiali trattabili sono i più svariati, con benefici che possono comportare aumenti sorprendenti della vita utile.